two two

Sunday, August 05, 2007


2/2!! hello long time no see, no post, no nothing!

i dont know if michelle has told other than just a few people but here's smth exciting for EVERYONE.





arghh, so much stuff going on. kill me now. sorry, random.


arghh. stuff going on. sorry again, random.

yeah so do let rachel know yeah?

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Hi! We're from 2/2 2004 from CHIJ Secondary. This page is specially dedicated to all our teachers who have taught us throughout the course of this year. These words come from the bottom of our hearts and even then, like the old adage goes, words cannot express our gratitude. We hope you have enjoyed teaching us and no matter big or small, each and everyone of you have left a lasting imprint that will be ingrained in our hearts and minds forever.

ps. as not all have finished writing their tributes, please visit us again.. we should be done latest by the end of this week =)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Ms May Chong- MATHS!!

Ms Chong!! Thank you for teaching us maths for two entire years. We thank you for your ceaseless patience and for imparting the valuable knowledge you have to us. We appreciate the long hours you spent to mark our work and for giving us a wake up call whenever you noticed that we were starting to slack. Thank you once again for all the effort you have put in into grooming each and everyone of us to become better people, not only in our studies, but in our morals!!

eunice: thank you ms chong for being extremely lenient with us. you always manage to make a extremely difficult sum seem so easy to solve. i sincerely hope that you will be able to teach us next year.

Adabelle:thank you for all the patience you have given us.we all appreciate you as a teacher, and you have been a really great teacher for the past two years. you made maths a really fun subject and I will remember your evil grin forever! haha(: once again, thank you for EVERYTHING! (:

Hui Qi: thank you... for teaching us for the past two years... we really appreciate you... i agree with eunice that u are a great teacher... u manage to teach us so well that a difficult sum become an easy one... you also kept reminding us that we must not be so lazy and buck up whenever our morals, results go down... i hope that for this SA 2, we didn't make you feel disappointed... and a big sorry if we did... we didn't mean to... i really hope that u will be our maths teacher next year... and next next year too

Marie: Ms Chong, thank you for teaching us maths these 2 give us lots of encouragement when we were in difficulty...thank you for boosting our morale...and sorry if we disappointed you when we did not do so well...thanks for everything and i'll miss you loads as my maths teacher...THANK YOU!!God bless!!

jianeng: thank you Ms Chong, for all that you have done for us. You have always been so patient and caring towards 2/2. thank you for teaching us all those tricks that makes doing maths much easier! I will always remember your evil laugh and hope that you can teach us again next year. You have been a marvellous teacher in our eyes!

olivia: Ms Chong, thank you for teaching us maths for the past 2 years. You have been a such a wonderful, dedicated, caring teacher. Thanks for telling us to pull up our socks when we needed too, for scolding us, for praising us, for encouraging us, for giving us lots of homework, and for showing so much care and concern for us all the time. You've been a great maths teacher and i hope that you'll never forget us (don't worry, we won't forget you either (: )

rachel: hey miss chong, thank you so very much for everything in this past two years. You were such a great teacher. thanks for the talk that time, it did meant a lot. thanks for everything basically. your undying care and concern towards us is evident. thanks for all those wakeing-ups when we were slacking, and really, thanks for helping us so much in maths, and simply for being such a fabulous teacher. hope that you`ll never forget the class 2/2`04(:

rebecca: miss chong miss chong! this is your beloved responsible math rep here, musn't forget me okay? haha sorry for all the times i was irresponsible, didn't go look for you when you were and stuff like that. oh and the times when we didn't perform to our best abilities in the various math tests, we're really sorry! your lessons have really been enriching, interesting and meaningful.. believe us we'll miss you, no actually we already are. the fact that you told us not to ASSUME and telling us that "complacency won't get you anywhere" did mean lots too. So you take care and maths rocks! 2/2 loves you lots yea (:

michelle: miss chong. its been 2 years since you have taught us and i am very grateful to be able to have a teacher like you. thank you so much for you patience with us always explaining things that we do not understand. and also for your concern for our class wanting us not only to be good inour studies but also to be equipt with good morals. i appreciate the time that you have spent with us during class and the effort that has been put in for all our revision before test. i also like to thank you for always urging us to do well, and making sure that we study hard. thanks!

joanne[teo]: hi miss chong! thnks for teaching for the past 2 years and for your patience, advice, encouragement and basically everything! you've been with us through it all and we owe our achievements to you. we love you and will nvr forget you. :)

germaine[gan]: miss chong! This is the very terrible and horrible me who probably gave u magraines bcuz of my disappointing resuts for maths and even dare to fail sec2 mid-year exams...Thank you for guiding us this past to years and perservering our very devilish minds. Thanks for your continuous reminders to make sure we do well in whatever we do. You gave us your all, by dedicating ur time to us. 2/2 will never ever forget you!

shona: Dear miss chong, thank you so much for being a very inspiring teacher i have ever had in my life. You r a great teacher!

Jie Ying: so sorry miss chong that i disappointed u with my maths results in this end year exam. Anyway, i will always remember you and work harder in my maths and not let u down! Thank you for all ur hard work and effort u put in teaching us. Take care, Jie Ying

Mag: Dear Miss Chong, I'm sure many would agree that you are a one in a million teacher. Though you're strict and like to call us 'dead ducks', you always have us in mind no matter what you do. You care for every single student and make Math an easier and more interesting subject for us to learn. You not only teach us about the academic subject, but also about the many morales and values in life that my friends and I will forever bear in our hearts. I am grateful to God for sending me such a great Math teacher and I can asure you that you have found a place in the hearts of 2/2.

Germaine[Liu]: hey ms chong... thanks for fervently teaching us maths these past two years. You always manage to make complex and complicated sums seem so easy by explaining them in a way that is simple to understand. You are one of a rare kind of teachers who dedicate so much to caring for us in all ways. All of us know in our hearts how good a teacher you are and i definately am not just simply assuming this. Thank you once again for all you have done for me, and without you im sure that i would not have gotten what i did for math

Hui Ting: Hi Ms Chong!! thanks so much for being such a caring and dedicated teacher to us for the past 2 years! it's ok if you don't remember me. i'm the one who got a scolding on your first lesson with us last year hahaha. i will always remember you as a teacher who has always managed to make us pay attention in class and making the complicated math problems seem so suprisingly easy. I feel so fortunate to have you as my math teacher, it would have been a great loss if I haven't had the experience of being taught by you. I'm sure all of us feel very sad that we have reached the end of this two short, but fruitful years filled with your care and concern and our laughter and joy. Thank you Miss Chong!! Thank you so much for expressing concern for us when we were feeling down and depressed! I will really really miss you!! Take care and may God bless!

jessica: Miss Chong! Thanx for everything! thanx for the guidance, the scoldings, the teachings and not forgetting the many assignments you gave us for practice.. hehee.. Eh.. though i dread doing the assignments at times, i'm really glad that I actually did them ( well most of them) because it really helped me. once again thaNks a milLon for being such a dedicated teacher!! we'll All miss u badly!!

Shirley: thank you for the guidance and care you showed for each and every one of us! thank you for all the effort you put in, guiding us onto the right path

abigail: thank you miss chong for all that you have done for us! we really appreciate the effort you put in.. for 2 years! thanks for your care and concern.. and for being so observant.. you were always there pushing us on even when we slackened. u're a great teacher! thanks for everything! we'll really miss you as our maths teacher...

joyce: thanks for being such a great maths teacher! i have benefited a lot from your patient explanations of the difficult sums! thank you for all the effort that you have put in over the past two unforgettable years to help us to do well in our maths. thank you for helping my maths to improve over the past two years and i really hope that you can teach me again in sec 3 & 4!

Priscilia:you've been such a great teacher and you've made your lessons interestng with your evil laughter(and maybe jia neng's dirty jokes.)All of us really appreciate your patience and tolerance towards us.Lastly, THANK YOU and we miss you very very very very much:)

Teena(yunlu):Miss Chong, I think our whole class will miss u soooo much as we proceed to upper sec! I just wanna say a BIG thank U for showering ur love and concern throughout these 2 precious yrs and I will never forget the the all the things u've taught mi during this period. U are one of the nicest and best teachers around the school so best wishes in everything that u do!

SoonLi: Ms Chong, hope that i am not late in expressing my utmost gratitude to u. Ur encouragement and dedication has indeed touched our hearts! I will miss u when i proceed on to sec 3 and 4 and the lessons we had with u as a class. Although we may have incurred ur wrath at times, but we were really glad to hear that u wanted children as bubbly as us. U did not give up on us even in the most difficult period of time. Ur "evilness" really tickled us and you have egged me on to develop a liking of maths over the unforgettable 2 years. I am sorry to have disappointed you in my grades but i will work hard!! i promise!!......U are the B-E-S-T TEACHER WE EVER HAD!!!! :P

Mrs Tan Poh Geok- Higher Chinese

Xie lao shi, xie xie ni for teaching us chinese. Thank you for your patience and your guidance in all aspects of our development. Thank you for those times when you listened to our grumbles and problems and for the valuable advice you gave us. Thank you for telling us jokes to destress!! Also, it was because of your constant nagging that we finally took the initiative to clear up our ever-messy classroom.

jianeng: Xie lao shi, thank you for all your guidance and nagging. Thank you for teaching us chinese this year and putting up with our messiness and un-cooperative-ness. I really appreciate the times when you listen to us grumble and complain. Lastly, thank you for being so understanding and allowing us to use your lesson to de-stress. Thank you for all that you have done for us! :)

eunice:XIE LAO SHI. thank you for everything you hav done for us. haha. n thank you for listening to us grumble. and being so understanding. i apologized for being rude and disobedient. and CHINESE ROCKS!!!

delle: thanks for your unwavering patience , especially towards a failure like me. (: i still dislike chinese but, ah well. (:

Hui Qi: XIE LAO SHI... thank you for everything that you have done for us... and thank you for listening to our grumbles and be so understanding... the jokes that u tell us in class were nice... i also apologized for being rude and disobedient(well, sometimes only) as well as dirty the classroom, and thaaaaaaaaaaannnkkkkk you for all that u have done for us and 2/2 rawks!!!!

rachel:xie lao shi!(: thanks for your care and support you`ve shown us this past year. thanks for totally understanding us, and even to the point of helping us when we complained to you; being such a motherly figure; helping us relieve stress by telling jokes and just simply being a great teacher. sorry for being such a failure, even when you`ve probably tried your best. thank you so much!

michelle: xie lao shi. grateful foor everything that you have done for us for the past year. i appreciate the time you spent trying to advice us and understand us better. thaks for all the breaks you have graciously provided and jokes that you have told in an effort to help relieve our stress. thank you!

olivia: xie lao shi.. thanks for teaching us chinese, for trying to correct my broken chinese, for not complaining when michelle and i ask so many questions about 3rd language and for putting in so much effort in trying to help us improve in our chinese. thanks !=)

marie: xie lao shi...thanks for teaching us HCL this year...thank you for helping me...improving my chinese...i hope not disappoint you in my CL results. thank you for everything...

germaine[gan]: xie lao shi...this is me who always does badly for chinese. Thank you for teaching us chinese this year, and being such a teacher who thought for the good of us, by asking us to clear up our classroom and stop being rude to the teachers. Which gave us the very shocking Global Citizenary Award...which practically puzzled us as to why we would win it...thank you!

jie ying: Xie xie xie lao shi ni zhe yi qie de guan huai yu jiao dao. Wo men zhen de hen gan ji ning. Xi wang ning neng yi qie shun li, xin xiang shi cheng, ye xi wang ning ming nian jiao de ban bu hui xiang wo men zhe yang kong bu yu bu ting hua, dan xiang wo men de ban yi yang de huo po. Jiu xie dao zhe er le...xi wang ning neng yong yuan ji de 2004 de 2/2. Qing ai de Jie Ying.

Hui Ting: Dear xie lao shi, I want to xie xie nin for being such a wonderful teacher!! Thank you for being so nice to all of us! You have always been a teacher who have cared for us and I really appreciate it when u are willing to listen to our complains and even try to help us with our problems. I'm really happy to be have such a caring teacher to be our form teacher. wo yong yuan dou bu hui wang ji nin dui wo men de guan huai de!! Xie xie nin!! :)

Shirley: thank you for being so patient, guiding us and teaching us... you are a great teacher!!

abigail: thank you for your patience with us although we did not heed your advice sumtimes [classroom very dirty].. thank you for your care and concern towards us! and thank you for everything!!!

joyce: xie lao shi, i am lucky to have you as my form teacher this year! thank you for your patience in teaching us chinese and telling us to improve the cleanliness of our dirty classroom. thank you also for the concern that you showed us whether in studies or in the other aspects of our life!

SoonLi : Qin Ai De Xie Lao Shi, u are a very nice and caring teacher, showering much love and concern over us. Ur constant valuable advice was the reason why we could clinch the global citizeny award in term 4. U were sort of a motherly figure in 2/2, and we were fortunate to have u as our form teacher this year. Thank You So Much!

Priscilia:xie lao shi, you have been a great teacher and thanks for tolerating all the complains you heard from other teachers.You made us realised the fact that arguing teachers will not help at all,so lastly, XIE XIE XIE LAO SHI!

Ms Low Sok Hui- Art

Thank you for teaching us art. We really enjoyed the times we spent examining art pieces of renown artists!! Thanks for being so easy-going with our class too!

eunice:Miss Low, thx for telling us so much about art. My art really improved a lot under your remarkable teaching skills. although there is a possibility that you deducted twenty or forty marks off my family assemblage, i still thank you for your patience , care and concern.

jianeng: Miss low, thank you for teaching us ART. Thanks for all the times you allowed us to joke around and for those times you gave us valuable advices on our art pieces. Thank you for bearing with us and tolerating our nonsense. Once again, thank you for your sense of humour and you have been great in making our art lessons more enjoyable and enriching. I really appreaciate what you have done for us! :) (sorry for the times when i was rude)

Olivia: Ms Low, thanks for teaching us art and putting up with all our nonsense. I enjoyed all your lessons, in particular the one whereby we were supposed to examine a work of art and ask questions about it. It was something very interesting and one that i will not forget. Thanks for all the tips you have lavishly provided us with on how we can improve our art pieces and for correcting us when we assumed that Richard Long was a singaporean. Last but not least, thank you for making art a subject more enjoyable!

Hui QI: Thank you for making art lesson enjoyable this year... specially the last art lesson... where we share with the class some art pieces... it was fun... u even tell us how to improve our art pieces and make it better... and lastly... giving us the marks so leniently... haha... art was fun this year... well it was sad to part art this year... but i am not talented in art... soorri... but never mind... u r a great art teacher!!!!

marie: thank you for teaching us art this have improved my knowledge with regards to art. thank you for everything, and GOD BLESS!

delle: thanks for making art more enjoyable and interesting, and its great to have such a lenient and generous teacher. you made art more vibrant and colourful (pardon the pun) and also saved our butt skins by doling out marks generously. thanks!

jessica: Miss Low!! you minused 20 marks frm my fam tree!! actually its my fault. but it really pulled down my overall marks :( anyway, thank you so very much for being so patient with our impossible clasS and for widening my knowledge on art.. thaNks a zilliOn!!

shirley: thank you for the guidance and care you showed towards each and every one of us! thank you!

joyce: thank you for being so lenient in marking my not-very-great pieces of art work! thanks also for your patient help in guiding me to make the decision on whether to take AEP or not. the offer came as a big surprise to me and i hope that i did not disappoint you by not joining AEP. your teaching has made my art improve and i really appreciate the effort that you have put in to help us understand and appreciate art better! how i view a piece of art work would probably be much different compared to last year. an art teacher once said that if one is able to appreciate art, one would view the things around one as beautiful. thank you for making my life more beautiful!

Mrs Stephen- English

Thank you for teaching us English, for the never ending piles of worksheet, for slogging 24/7 just marking our assignments, for giving us the inspiration of becoming the next Phillip Geer, for teaching us the OOMPH! factor in an essay, for the model essays and for being the pro walking dictionary cum thesaurus in class!! We really appreciate all the effort you put in and thank you for bearing with us.

eunice: Thank you for being such a wondeful and dedicated teacher. although i do not like doing your astronomical amount of homework, i must admit that it was extremely helpful and has caused my english to improve tremendously. i really appreciate your efforts. (i know i must have irritated you the most with horrible attitude, i APOLOGIZED!!!) (hope you will be fortunate enough to get a more well-behaved class next year)(scrabble is good)

Hui Qi: thank you for being such a great English Teacher... i really appreciate your lessons with us.... specially the art-and-craft cum english lesson... it was fun... class time with you was rather short... onli 6 periods a week... i hoped it was longer... and thank you for being such a patient person and help me improved in my English... all your slides and worksheets were really good!!! Thhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkkkkks!!!!!!!!!!! we will miss u...

Jianeng: Mrs Stephen, thank you so much for teaching us english and teaching us how to write a proper essay(before that.. i have never been able to do one:) ). I really enjoyed those interactive and fun lessons that you prepared for us. Although you give us tons and tons of homework, they helped us to improve and for that, i am really grateful! thank you so much for all that you have done and for sacrificing your family time to mark our work. I will alwasys remember you as our human walking dictionary cum thesaurus, a dedicated and wonderfull english teacher.

Olivia: Mrs stephen, thank you for teaching us english and for putting in so much effort in helping us to improve in our english (i really appreciate it!!). Your lessons were very fun at times (the art and craft cum vocab session and videos). Thanks for giving us so much practice in compos and compres, for being so patient with us all the times, for promoting the wonders of the collins cobuild advanced learners dictionary and for giving us the inspiration to become the next Phillip Geer. You are a very dedicated and great English teacher.

rachel: hey mrs stephen, thanks for being such a wonderfully dedicated teacher. despite our constant talking backs and arguements, you still hung on, giving us tonnes of homework in a bid to prepare us for the exams. thank you so much for your patience and willingness to continue helping us, and also the fact that you tried to change your lessons to make it better, with us decorating paper plates and stuff. thank you so much for your effort! we really appreciate it!(:

Mandy: Thank you for introducing the true beauty of English to our class and for always being so eager and enthusiastic about teaching us. Your passion is infectious and spurs me on to greater heights. Thanks so much. Short and succint, like what you always wanted. :)

Marie: Thank you for teaching us English this year...I haven't slept through a single english lesson this whole year!! Although I have failed a lot of your assignments, I still thank you for helping me, like how to write expository essays and summarys. Thank you again and God Bless.

Wan Xuan: Thanx a million for helping us in our english... (though i hated your homework... especially the carpe diem) but it did forces me to read the newspaper... the tactics you used to teach us english were extremely useful which helped us benefit greatly from you... though i did not benefit me fully... coz of my own fault, but seriously, it would be a great pity if you dont teach us next yr... last of all, thanx again...

delle: hey mrs stephens! thanks for your unwavering dedication and amazing skills. we may seem more than a handful to you, but in reality, we really appreciate all that you have done for us: giving us an astronomical number of newspaper articles, essays, yada yada. you care for each and every one of us and that is a fantastic gift that every teacher should possess. your command of english is almost unrivalled and you have, in turn, sharpened our as-blunt-as-my-nose wits and transformed us from gibberish spouting students to more eloquent ones. despite being really busy, you take the time to ensure that all of us are sufficiently prepared for the final year exams. having to juggle a teaching career and a young family is really challenging, but kudos to you for pulling it off perfectly. thanks!

Jie Ying: DEAR Mrs Stephens! Thanks you for all ur hard work in trying to teach 2/2, a frightening n irritating class! Although, u made me really hurt at times with all ur sarcastic comments and ur harsh attitude towards me, i tried my best to tolerate and even told myself that it will all be over soon! No matter how u treated me, i muz still thank u for pressing me to improve and worrying for me. I noe that u had a very bad impression on me, an impression that i m a student who loves to play n neglects my studies, who always giggles lots in class. However...i m really not. Mrs stephens...i made it, frm a C to a B! Thanks a lot...frm ur dear jie ying

Hui Ting: Dear Mrs Stephen, thank you so much for putting so much effort in ensuring that I would pass my final year examination!! And I scored an A2!! Thank you so much!! I'm sincerely sorry for the times when I was not a good girl and when I didn't hand in my assignments. This year's english lessons has certainly been very 'heavy'. I'm very glad actually to have you for my english teacher! Although it has not been easy trying to grasp all the new vocabulary exposed to me this year, it has certainly expanded my vocabulary and I have been reading the papers more often. I sincerely express my thanks to you for being so very dedicated to us and being so patient with us even when we kept retorting back to you. Thank you for giving english so much meaning! I will forever remember you as the one and only english teacher who has made the first deep impression in my life. If the word 'english' is mentioned, the first person I think of will certainly be you!! Mrs Stephen!!

jessica: hey Mrs Stephen! I think i gave you the most headaches right? hahahs.. like being rebellious, not finishing my work, handing in lattee work, interrupting your lessons or not paying attention. You have really improved my standard of eng drastically especially my expository essay which I previously disliked the most. Anyway you've been a very great teacher and i lurve your lessons, they are EXtremely fun and relaxing. especially the ' art' periods where we got to whip out our other talents! ThaNk yOu!!! i'll never forget you!

Shirley: thank you for teaching me and helping me in my studies. if not for you, i may not pass my english, so thanks a million!!

joyce: i really appreciate the effort that you have put in over this year to help us improve our english! you were a great english teacher and thanks for widening my vocabulary by leaps and bounds! i would never forget you lessons and i think that you are the best english teacher that i have ever had! thank you for improving my english and i hope that you can teach me again next year!

SoonLi: I have never seen such a teacher as dedicated to their career as u, most english teacher would adopt a heck-care attitude but u were the exact opposite. U set aside so much precious times with your children to scan through the mountainous piles of worksheets. your eagerness for all of us to pass our english with flying colours was put through the huge amounts of homework and it was indeed a way of expressing your care, love, devotion and concern for us. U have earned my admiration and YOU ARE THE BEST ENGLISH TEACHER I EVER HAD! Thank You for what you have done for us in this year........and the lessons were really enjoyable and i wish you could proceed with us to the upper sec classes to continue teaching english to all of us.......Thank You once again! :)

germaine liu: hey mrs stephen, thanks for the gargantuan amount of effort you have put into drilling into our thick skulls the astronomical amount of vocabulary. My english has trebled under your unwavering support and contrary to what it might seem like, i'm really deeply indebted to you for endowing to me the magnificence of the language.

joy~ hi mrs stephen. remember me? i'm sitting in the front row and i touched your cd and got scolded. anyways, thanks for teaching us vocab and the importance of highlighting words in the newspaper. thanks for brightening up our dull class with your brightly coloured socks. they tend to keep me awake so thats good. wahhas. Thanks n good luck as a kindergarten teacher!!:)

Michelle: Mrs Stephens! i really appriciate your efforts in teaching us last year. Even though we were always against you last year you never gave up on us. Thank You. Althought the chance of you reading this post is slim, i would still like to give my sincerest appreciation to you. It is your efforts that have help my english improve tremendously. Deepest regrets for being quite rebellious in class however i must say that learning is a two way process. Without our constant squabbling, we would have probably not learnt as much as we have.

Ms Clare Liem- Literature

Thank you for teaching us literature and making literature a lesson to look forward to! We will always remember your jokes and thanks for tolerating ours.

eunice: thx for your lame jokes and a thick stack of notes! i sincerely hope to see you in a skirt next year!muahahahaha!

The three musketeers: hey ms liem... no prizes for guessing who we are (if you really want a prize though.. how abt a pink teddybear wearing a leotard and a chiffon skirt). First of all, we would like to thank you for this past 10 months. Not only have you made literature come alive for us, you have also enriched our minds with many interesting concepts that we would always cherish (read :we now know that there is such a thing as a no-skirt religion)
Next, we would also like to offer you our utmost thanks and no words can truly express our gratitude( read: you start to wonder if this means that this tribute is really true :p no,no it really is true)
3rd, we want to thank you for your erm how would i say , persistence? in marking delle and joanne's never-ending essays and for reading our whole list on you-know-what.(clue :23/30). although we might have driven you crazy with the pages and pages full of writing (no matter how *cough* bad it was)
well we would like to end with a poem before we put you to sleep (which was our initial intention as then you would really get enough sleep and can hug your teddy bear), and we hope that this would really touch your heart just like jia you jia gui xiao you xiao gui (inside joke which has no relation just like leopards dont change their spots), but we've suddenly lost inspiration so maybe later :) we must however end with 2 simple words- thank you.

rachel-hey miss liem, thanks for making literature lessons much funnier and interesting. your jokes and lame-ness never fails to make us laugh. thanks for helping us throughout this entire 10 months. we`ll miss the fun lit lessons and the lame jokes you always cracked(:

olivia: ms liem, thanks for teaching us lit and making lit so fun and enjoyable. and thanks for being so patient and tolerant with us. however, i still don't understand why do you call hibbert a big fat coward.. i mean it wasn't stated in the book that he was fat. anyway, appreciated the effort you put into helping us improve in our lit.

michelle: hey ms liem. here is a sincere thank you for making lit lessons so enjoyable and unforgetable. will miss the lame jokes that were cracked in class. and also the lively banter that occurs ever so often in class, allowing all of us( you included) to learn a lot of new things each time you enter.=D

marie: ms liem, thank you for teaching us lit this year. sorry for failing so many an extent, your section of the it's okay if you want to strangle me...thank you for making our lit lessons so enjoyable and funny...hope you will always remember 2/2 as a great class...and for marking really REALLY long scripts...God bless!

Jie Ying: Hey miss liem, i m still as pure as wat u thght i m actually! I did those actions coz i m active n coz i m such a 'good dancer'. heehee...Anyway...thanks for ur lit lessons...they r quite nice at times...but dull too at other times...However, dun be too sad coz they r dull at times bcoz overall ur lessons are GOOD! Thumbs up! Thank you for all ur spoon feeding and stories which i really loved! Take care!

Mag: Hi, it's me! The one of a kind ALIEN!!!!!!!!!! I love aliens, they're part of the magnificent universe which is part of my heart and soul and fantasy belongs to The Magical World and, ... I think that's enough about me. Anyway, yo dude! I know you don't have a life coz you love dedicating your heart and soul to your students and I just think you're a wonderful Literature teacher, apart from the horrid marks you gave to me, Germz and a whole other bunch. Anyway I gotta go look for aliens now, scientifically called extraterrestrials and so, yada yada, and thanx lots.

shirley: thank you for the guidance and care and concern you showed towards each and every one of us! thank you for everything!

abigail: miss liem, i really enjoyed ur litweture lessons [all the humour and lame, if not dirty, jokes]! well they got my attention aniwaes.. u're a great teacher and thanks for everything!

joyce: dear miss liem, none of your lit lessons were ever boring... they were all quite enjoyable and i managed to stay awake thnaks to your jokes sprinkled throughout the lesson! thanks too for the huge amount of notes that you showered on us abundantly, they really helped me to prepare for the exams. thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher!

Ms Champion- Science (2nd Semester)

Thank you for teaching us science and putting in so much effort into answering our questions!!

jianeng: thank you for teaching us science and putting in effort to answer our some what riddicuclous questions. Although the period you taught us was brief, we appreciate all that you have done and will remember not to sit on the lab benches! :)

olivia: thank you for being our science teacher this semester, for making science a more interesting subject and for putting in effort even in answering our somewhat dumb questions. actually, mine. I will always remember that the science lab is a very dangerous place to play in. you've been a great science teacher! thanks.

rachel-thanks for trying your best to help us in science. your patience and kindness shall never be forgotten:) thank you so much for being a great and nice teacher, even though you`ve been with us for less than 4 months.

rebecca: heyya miss champion! you've been really great help to me in science.. i improved so much ok im not being ego here. haha. your lab sessions were tremendous too and thanks for helping me and rachel when we got a voltmeter and ammeter mixed up! now we've finally got it.. so you've been a greatt science teacher overall and we'll never forget you. THANKS! (:

Mandy: Thank you for being a champion to us. :) You made me understand and enjoy science better. Thank you for coming into our lives and changing it for the better.

marie: ms champion, thank you for teaching us science from have made me more interested in science (science is my next favourite subject...:p) and a BIG thanks to you for your guidence...thank you for being so strict about safety when we were in the lab. Thank you for answering our never-ending questions...Hope you remember 2/2...and...maybe hope that i will sit next to you at the next teacher's day dinner...haha...i guess look forward to you teaching us in the years to come...God bless!

Jie Ying: Thanks for ur guidance, Miss Champion! Bcoz of u i improved quite a lot...i think frm a B3 to A1!Thanks loads!

jessica: Miss champion , thanks for the very fun lessons we had with you, sharing your personel experiences, jokes and all.. most of all i really admire that ur able to putt up with our horrigible nonsense (at times) and being patient with us for the whole half year.. you'll never be forgotten!!

shirley: thank you for teaching us and guiding us along the right path and being so patient, answering all our questions... thank you!!

abigail: ms champion, thanks for teaching us and being so patient and hardworking.. answering questions and going on the internet to check up answers when you didn't have any answers to qns.. thanks for taking the time [and effort] to explain to us whatever we didn't understand.. thanks for everything!

joyce: dear ms champion, thank you for putting all the time and effort to teach us science! thank you for helping me improve in my science grades from an A2 in semester one to A1 this semester. my science wasn't very in the first semester but thank you for helping me improve and do better than the last semester. thanks also for the patience in trying to explain to us those difficult qns, especially the electricity qns! thank you for everything!

germaine liu: hey ms champion, not many words can express my gratitude towards you for being so dedicated in teaching us science. thank you for fervently teaching us despite our constant questions.

Mrs Lalitha- Science (1st semester)

Thank you for teaching us for the 1st semester. We really appreciate the effort that you put in!!

rachel-mrs lalitha! thank you for being such a NICE teacher! thanks for the encouragements and patience. thank you so much!

marie: mrs lalitha...thank you for teaching us science...and polypeptides...God bless!!

shirley: thank you for the guidance and care you showed towards each and every one of us.. thankyou!

abigail: thankyou for making complex things easier to understand by using everyday objects.. and the like.. thanks anyway!!

joyce: thank you for teaching us in the first semester! i really appreciate the effort that you put in making sure that we understand our concepts!

Mrs Nicholas- PE

Thank you for teaching us PE these two years, for putting in so much effort in trying to keep us trim and fit and for being so patient in teaching us the Kavonnen's formula.

Michelle: Thanks Mrs Nicks for teaching us PE and training us for the PFT. I enjoyed the PE lessons throughly and have always looked forward to it.

rachel- thanks for being a really great PE and basketball teacher. you never fail to make us laugh all the time. thank you for simply making PE such a fun period all the time.

Mandy: Thank you for teaching us PE for two years and being so patient, especially when one of the giggles keeps forgetting to wear her PE attire. And thank you for letting us do gym last year :), it was superbbb!

Marie: Thank you for teaching us PE and making us do the routine 5 rounds a lesson and basic and full stretches...and for making PE so enjoyable...with softball...and all the other stuff...Thank you for always keeping us fit! God bless!!

Olivia: thanks for teaching us PE for the past 2 years. you've been a great teacher =)

shirley & abigail: thank you for teaching us PE for the past 2 yrs! we appreciate ur efforts at making us healthier ppl.. thanks!!

Ms Jane Tan- cme (4th term)

Thank you for teaching us cme and for putting up with our nonsense!! Thanks for informing us that building relationships between countries has nothing to do with sex (: hehe.

jianeng: thank you miss tan, for making CME so enjoyable and fun. Sorry for the times we irritated you but i really enjoyed your lessons and appreciate the effort you put in to teach us. Thank you so much!(oh... thanks for enlightening me.. that relationships between countries are not built by having sex... hahaha! :) ) don't worry. i'll be patriotic!! haha

michelle: Miss tan, thank you for teaching us cme. admittedly, i seldom listen in class. But i do listen sometimes! However, i appreciate your efforts in teaching us even though we only had very few CME lessons.

olivia: ga. thank you for teaching us cme. it was a lesson that i really looked forward to and i enjoyed it wholly. Though i always looked as if i wasn't paying attention, i actually was. hehe. Thank you for being so tolerant during cme and for making cme so fun. I'll try to be more well read in citizenship and be more patriotic (:

marie: ms tan...thank you for educating us on how to be good citizens and stuff like that...Thank you for answering so many of our stupid and weird questions...Thank you and GOD bless!!

Jie Ying: Hey Miss Tan! Sorry that i kept pressing u on my children's present. i juz like to play la...Anyway..thanks for ur CME lessons which i think i did not pay attention during the lessons. Thanks and take care...

Mrs Stephen- cme (1st term)

Thank You for the cme lessons we had in the ava room. They were certainly enriching and we have in one way or another, have benefitted from them!!

Ms Clare Tan- cme (2nd term)

Thank you for teaching us CME! So sorry that we are hopeless when it comes to morals. We'll try our best to remember what you have taught us!!

Ms Mastura- CME (3rd term)

Thank you for teaching us CME! It allowed us destress!!

jianeng: Miss Mastura thank you for letting us off early and being SO NICE all the time!! :)
You are a HERO in our eyes. I will not forget the lessons on the different heroes that you taught us about and thanks for giving us breaks and supporting our fund-raising activites(buying our daylight robbery cookies).

Olivia: Thank you for letting us off early and for making cme so fun and enjoyable. Your lessons on heroes were very interesting! Your lessons certainly allowed us to destress.

Michelle: I appreciate the lessons you gave to us on heroes and also for giving us so many 'toilet breaks'. It really lets us destress.

rachel- thank you so much! your cme lessons were real stress-relieving. thank you for the many breaks you gave us as well as letting us off early. thanks alot!

marie: thank you for educating us on heroes...florence're a hero too! haha...all in all, thank you!

Ms Jane Tan- Home Economics (2nd semester, 2nd half)

Thank you for teaching us home econs though it was very brief and we only had a few lessons with you, all of the lessons were very enjoyable and enriching!!

Jianeng: Miss tan, thank you for making home econs so interesting and enriching. Thank you for your advice on beef and iron :) I will remember that. I will also remember to eat more greens so that constipation and diverticular disease will not come looking for me. Lastly, thank you for teaching us home ec! =)

Olivia: ge. Ms Tan, thank you for teaching us home econs. Thanks for all the advice you have given us on how to keep healthy, for that yellow piece of paper, for telling jianeng and i to see/consult a family docotr, and for the onions you forced me to eat. I will always remember that carcinogens can cause cancer, that an anaemic feels faint, and that raw onions aren't exactly nice to eat. I will also try not to play with pens in class. haha. oh yes! and thanks for teaching us on how to determine what's a need and what's a want, though i still feel that a handphone is a want. You must always remember 2/2 2004 for being such a wonderful class to teach. Especially the second half. hope you had 'fun' teaching our class (you must have). Once again, thanks!! (:

marie: ms tan...thank you for teaching us home ec...and how to bake really good traditional sponge cake...thank you for helping us in so many way for so many things...for helping us print out so many documents...and for letting me know that some breads have crispy crusts and that some are sweeter than the others, chocolate served at the Raffles Town Club was so good... thank you for helping me order orange juice...blah blah blah...and i'm glad to know that you like the pieces i played at the teachers day dinner...and sorry for blabing to so many people, especially Olivia and Rachel that you wore a skirt at the dinner...thank you for freaking me out at the dinner...haha...just kidding...thank you once again and God bless!!

michelle: hey ms tan! thanks for teaching us home ec for the second half of the year. i really enjoy the lessons especially the practicals cuz i get to EAT!! the usual me. haha. thanks for making home ec interesting. i listen in class ok! oli says raw onions are not very nice to eat, but i think they are quite nice esp with salad. ok that was out off point, anyway, i appreciate the home econs lessons, because we learn new stuff and also have some fun. also thanks for telling me about food needing to be 6 inches above the fire when BBQ-ing! THANKS!!

mandy: thank you for reminding me that I'm allergic to mustard, though I am not very sure which ingredient. Maybe I'm allergic to the taste. Thank you for always standing behind me when I start talking, but our mouth needs exercise, so we won't eat so much and get obese and get stroke and cardiovascular diseases. I know my content well because of your superb teaching and even though my CA and my exam results were miles apart, that's a different story.

joyce: dear ms tan, thanks for being so patient and forgiving towards me when i dropped the bowl during the home econs lesson! you were a great teacher in teaching us and i have enjoyed your lessons as much as i have enjoyed the food which you have taught us to cook! thanks for everything!

Mrs Eugenia Wee-Tan- Home Economics (1st semester, 2nd half)

Thank you for teaching us home econs. Though it was only for half a year, we still appreciate all that you have done for us!!

michelle: Mrs Tan, thank you for teaching us home econs, your lessons have been enriching and enjoyable. Thanks for instiling good habits in us such as learning to clean up the mess we created.

olivia: mrs tan, thank you for teaching us home econs and for being patient with us. Your lessons were interesting and one which i looked forward to. Also, thanks for allowing shona and i to entertain you on the last lesson. hehe.

jianeng: mrs tan, thank you for teaching us home econs and imparting your knowledge to us.

marie: mrs tan...thank you for not only being my home ec teacher, but also for being our teacher-in-charge for the IJ Co-op...also...thank you for insisting that we used the red tray for cooking lessons...Thank you once again and God Bless!

shirley: thankyou for the guidance and care you showed towards each and every one of us!

Mrs Patricia Tan- Home Economics (1st half)

Thank you for teaching us Home Econs and for sharing with us your valuable experiences!!

rachel-mrs tan, thanks for sharing so much of your experience with us. and not just plainly go by the books. thanks for being a nice and understanding teacher most of the times(:

delle: thanks for your colourful stories and for being a great teacher! (:

Mrs Kunna- Geography

Thank you for all the guidance and patience while teaching us geography for these two years!!

rachel-thanks for making geography easier to understand. thanks for all the naggings when we weren`t concentrating in class. thank you very much!

delle: thanks for being a thorough and great geography teacher!

marie: thank you for teaching us geography these 2 years...God Bless!

shirley: thank you for the guidance and care you showed towards each and every one of us!

joyce: thanks for teaching us during these past two years! thanks also for being so concerned about our geography and putting in a lot of effort into teaching us!

Mr Bernard Chan- History

Thank You for teaching us history for the first semester!!

delle and germaine liu: hey mr chan... dont know if you know who we are but we have definately enjoyed your history lessons(lame jokes included). It was fun watching all the gruesome videos(and laughing over your ability to make gory things sound even gorier. Although you probably went crazy trying to tell us abt propaganda and the war, while we kept on interrupting, we really enjoyed the lessons a lot (not joking) :) Our heartfelt thanks to you.

olivia: thanks for teaching us history, for being so patient and tolerant with us and for not checking our history books regularly (or else i would have been in trouble! haha). and i do not ask a lot of questions, i only have many things to clarify. haha. thanks!

rebecca: Mr Chan! oh wells.. doubt you'll remember me, or do you. heh anyway your lessons have always been enjoyable and relaxing, especially found it rather de-stressing when you told your ghost stories to the class ( actually it was prettaye funny). not forgetting your wonderfully prepared slides on the computer although our class computer was screwed most of the time. so once again thanks. (:

mandy: Thanks for helping me to exercise by making me run up and down the steps getting worksheets and thank you for making us donate to the class fund so that we are able to pay for the worksheets. Thank you so much!

Jie Ying: thanks for all the guidance although i always dun do the homework u gave us, even the work u asked us to do in class...anyway, i dun think u haf any impression on hu i m la...(truly hor..i wanna to tell u ttt u r my one and only idol..not bcoz u sand 'she bangs' but coz i love u deeply in my heart... so take care. HAHA!)

marie: Mr Chan, thank you for teaching us made history more interesting and easy to understand...also, thank you for teaching us how to answer all the various questions, eg, compare and comtrast...thanks for the hilarious changi ghost story you told us...